Niyousha Najmaei

About Me

I am a computer science master's student at Delft University of Technology, the Netherlands. I am currently working on my master's thesis at the Programming Languages group, under the supervision of Benedikt Ahrens.

I am interested in learning about:

  • Category Theory
  • Homotopy Type Theory and Univalent Foundations
  • Logic and Software Verification
I have also been interested in:
  • Concurrency Semantics and Weak Memory Models
  • Quantum Information and (Variational) Quantum Algorithms
  • Graph Neural Networks

I prefer They/Them pronouns, but She/Her works as well.

Contact and Other Links

TA Experience


  • Variational Quantum Eigensolver for the J1-J2 Spin Model (2022 - 2023) Report, Code
    • Investigating the use of the VQE algorithm with dynamic ansätze for finding the ground state of the J1-J2 model.
  • Concurrency Testing for Weak Memory Models (Spring 2023) Report, Code
    • Extending BasicPOS and POS scheduling algorithms for concurrency testing in weak memory models.
  • Automated Product Description Generation (Fall 2021) Report, Code
    • Bachelor thesis
    • Using Large Language Models for automating the generation of product descriptions for e-commerce platforms.




  • Machine Learning Intern, Zero11 srl, Italy (2021)
    • Automating the generation of product descriptions of an e-commerce platform with open-source Large Language Models.


Other activities

  • Member of the organising team and mentor of Sharif Mathematics Summer School, Sharif University of Technology, Iran (2019)
  • Silver medal in Iran's National Physics Olympiad (2017)